Eleventh consecutive month of decline for UK car market as diesel sales crash
Poor UK registrations hit dealership group profits
AFV registrations grow in Europe as ACEA predicts new car slowdown
ACEA statistics show a difficult December but strong year for vehicle registrations
UK car market declines for first time since 2009 as CO2 levels rise
Eighth month of decline for new cars sales in UK as diesel pulls market down
European sales figures increase in October despite poor UK market
European vehicle registrations drop in September due to struggling UK and German markets
European sales figures show market continuing to grow as UK struggles
UK car registrations fall again as manufacturers launch scrappage schemes for sales boost
New car registrations decline in the UK for a fourth consecutive month
Insight: UK New Car Market Outlook, July 2017
TCO to become TCM as car ownership model declines
UK car sales begin to stabilise but further problems could lie ahead
European sales figures show growth while highlighting worrying trends
French TCO reaches record lows, according to Arval
European new car registrations increase 8% in May despite UK weakness
European new car registrations contract by 7% in April
UK new car sales slump 20% in April as new VED rates come into force, hybrids fall too
UK sales flat despite upcoming road tax hike, diesel demand plummets