
Compare actual and forecast residual values across Europe on one central hub – purchase, monitor and sell vehicles with more competitive margins.

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Remain stable despite volatile economic influencers

Inflation, government policies, supply shortages and electric vehicle technology – each of these current risks threaten your bottom line.

That’s why our team of regional experts constantly monitor key economic factors like these, to reflect the truest market values possible.

Use Compare’s all-in-one platform to benchmark the actual and forecast values of like-for-like vehicles. Identify your strongest and weakest performers,  build agile strategies and retain long-term business value.

100K new vehicles. 200K used vehicles. 15 markets.

Watch to learn how Compare helps improve your automotive business:

Compare essential residual values to boost your markets successes

Whether you’re a vehicle manufacturer, leasing company or an investor, residual values are critical to your financial stability.

Using Compare, manufacturers can investigate the effect of optional extras on long-term new car pricing. Leasing companies can gain significant price-point advantages against market rivals.

Plus, each can utilise accurate independent data to defend their position on contractual discounts.

Never miss a developing trend with trusted independent data

Use Compare’s pan-European price and specification datasets for unrivalled scope and accuracy.

Updated monthly, our unbiased data is compiled from multiple vetted sources and analysed by industry-leading experts.

Better still, our data’s accuracy figures are published every month, so you know you’re always working with the best, most transparent data available.  

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