Residual Value Intelligence

RVI’s easy-to-use platform helps you quickly identify residual value trends across Europe’s major brands, segments and fuel types.

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Monitoring residual values is critical to success in both new and used-car markets

Staying on top of residual value developments is critical to your financial stability – no matter where you are in the automotive chain.

OEMs use them to control price positioning and avoid B2B discounts. Leasing companies rely on them to determine around 85% of leasing rates. Remarketers use them to help decide when and where to sell.

But one thing remains the same. Boosting residual values enables you to sell more cars, more profitably.

42 brands. 14 segments. 7 markets.

Watch to learn how Residual Value Intelligence helps your automotive business:

How manufacturers use Residual Value Intelligence data

As a manufacturer, staying on top of residual value developments is critical to your financial stability – even on the new car market. Use RVI’s full list of features to:

  • Determine the long-term effect of pricing on the new-car market
  • Avoid discounting cars to leasing companies by improving RVs
  • Boost brand reputation by creating models that remain attractive for longer
  • Inform internal positioning strategies that are key to company-wide success
  • Sell more cars at higher profit margins

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How leasing organisations use Residual Value Intelligence

A higher RV means lower risks and ownership costs – so you can offer more competitive lease prices without eating into profits. Use your full RVI toolkit to:

  • Calculate around 85% of leasing rates
  • Identify vehicles with the highest RVs and lowest cost of ownership
  • Gain competitive price-point advantages against market rivals
  • Establish a trusted reputation amongst customers
  • Remarket vehicles at the best time for the highest profit margins

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5 simple steps to capitalise on residual value megatrends

To get started, open Residual Value Intelligence and:

  1. Quickly compare RV performances across Europe from your homepage
  2. Explore your tabs to assess the data from every perspective
  3. Use handy filters to refine your analysis using different parameters
  4. Visualise how the data has changed over time using colour-coded graphs
  5. Review our local market outlook to predict how the market is likely to perform over the next 3 years

Then, action what you’ve learned to exploit cross-border opportunities, close gaps and reduce financial risks. To learn more, fill out the form below.

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Ensure every angle is covered so your business is never left exposed

Support your own internal analysis with Residual Value Intelligence, which enables you to review trends across seven markets, 14 segments, seven fuel types and 42 brands so you’re always working with the most relevant context-rich data available.

To stay ahead of the game, set up key performance indicators via the service’s customisable dashboard, and monitor current values across trade and retail. Improve your strategic planning by reviewing our 16 age-distance scenarios.

Rely on vetted data from a trusted industry voice

Our Residual Value Intelligence service uses our vetted pan-European pricing and specification datasets that offer:

  • Valuations based on in-depth research coupled with total transparency
  • Trend analysis powered by a robust and proven segmentation system
  • Reliable weighted averages that are essential for accurate cross-country comparisons

Use software solutions that put your needs front and centre

Our class-leading visualisation software can be mastered in minutes, not days.

From viewing critical data at a glance via dashboard to fast downloads of graphs and key datasets for presentations or sharing with colleagues, our intuitive system lets you focus solely on analysis and decision making, instead of wasting valuable time and resources on training.