Autovista Group Survey: What will be the dominant European fuel type by 2028?
06 April 2018

06 April 2018
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Diesel sales are falling dramatically across Europe, with drivers switching to petrol instead. However, manufacturers are keen to move customers into electric and hybrid vehicles, and are rapidly investing in the technology to ensure this happens sooner rather than later.
In addition to all this, governments are getting involved. France and the UK will ban the sale of traditional petrol and diesel vehicles from 2040, with Norway phasing them out by 2025. The UK Government is also increasing vehicle excise duty (VED) on diesel vehicles for their first year of registration, until cleaner technology is developed.
With all this going on, Autovista Group wants to know your opinion as to which will be the dominant fuel type in ten years’ time. Will petrol remain at the helm or can diesel make a comeback? Could carmakers get electric vehicles right, or will hybrid prove the cleanest option?