Survey: What is the best way for cities to reduce air pollution?
08 March 2019

8 March 2019
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Curbing air pollution remains high on the list of priorities of many city authorities in Europe. While there are a number of actions they can take, these may not prove popular with the driving community.
However, for some, action needs to be taken. In Germany, a number of cities are being instructed by courts to introduce diesel bans, following legal action being taken against them by environmental lobbyists. Others can see high levels of pollution, which could lead to fines from the EU if not brought into line.
With this in mind, Autovista Group wants to find out what readers of the Daily News Brief think will be the best solution for reducing air pollution in cities. Are driving bans on diesel, or petrol and diesel vehicles the best bet, or could congestion charging help to limit traffic? Should local authorities look to switch their public transport to cleaner emission technologies, or could car-share schemes be the best bet? Alternatively, would the removal of certain infrastructures, such as looking to limit the number of traffic lights, prevent increased engine idling and improve traffic flow?