Survey: What should manufacturers be planning for in case of a ‘no-deal’ Brexit?
18 January 2019

18 January 2019
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Over the last week, the biggest talking point across all news outlets has been Brexit. The UK Prime Minister’s deal was rejected by the House of Commons, while she survived a vote of no confidence. There are now talks on a ′plan B’ in order to move away from a potential no-deal.
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has highlighted that the vote against the deal leaves the automotive industry on a ′cliff edge’ while Germany’s VDA has warned of the serious implications a no-deal would have. In addition, a number of carmakers have spoken out, stating their fears on the situation.
With this in mind, and before a new plan is published and voted on, Autovista Group wants the opinions of website readers and Daily News Brief subscribers on what manufacturers should plan to do next, as the UK tumbles towards the 29 March deadline.