Survey: What target year is best for a petrol and diesel engine ban?

26 October 2018

26 October 2018

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A UK Government committee recently announced that it would like to see the UK’s petrol and diesel engine ban come into force from 2032, and not 2040 as originally agreed. 

However, various countries are putting bans into force at different times. This poses an issue for car manufacturers, who have to ensure they are ready with electric and hybrid vehicles – if new rules allow them – by the earliest possible opportunity. 

However, when would be the best time for petrol and diesel engines to be banned from sale? Earlier targets allow countries to clamp down on high levels of air pollution, while later deadlines will help carmakers to develop ranges based on new technologies.

The latest Autovista Group survey asks readers of the Daily News brief and the Insights section when they think the best time for such a ban would be. The options are based on suggested timescales from different countries, and we would like your opinions. Is a 2025 ban, as proposed by Norway and Denmark, achievable? Would 2032, suggested by Scotland and some in the UK work better or is 2040, a target set by France and the official UK date better. Or should petrol and diesel engines never be subject to sales bans in the first place?

Please vote, and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section, we may publish a selection in our results piece next week.