Survey: What will be the leading form of new car sales in ten years’ time?
24 August 2018

24 August 2018
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Vehicle manufacturers are looking for new ways to sell vehicles, in order to ensure they reach as many customers as possible in a changing retail landscape.
Much has been made of problems on the high street in recent months, with some big businesses struggling financially. Consumers are looking to new methods of shopping, such as online channels, to buy their goods. Carmakers are aware of this and are therefore looking at more convenient ways of enticing drivers to buy their products.
Some companies are looking to online portals to sell vehicles, with dealerships being involved in the ′last mile’ by delivering the vehicle to the consumer. Others are opening dealerships in new places, such as shopping centres. Ford recently opened a new ′pop-up’ in a Next store in Manchester in a way to attract new business.
There have also been discussions suggesting that online retailers, such as Amazon, could move into the car sales market. While there are no confirmed reports, this could be a good move for some manufacturers to tie-in with such businesses, which have a large customer base.
Therefore, Autovista Group wants to know which will be the most popular form of vehicle sales in 2028. Will dealerships still thrive, or will manufacturers find online sales booming, and will that be through their own showrooms, or with third-party sellers? Will pop-up stores work, or could a changing trend in motor shows, with consumers able to place orders, help carmakers?