Survey: In which area would FCA and Renault most benefit from a merger?
31 May 2019

31 May 2019
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) and Renault Group could merge after the Italian-American carmaker submitted a proposal to Renault. This is the latest example in a series of automotive collaborations, as the industry adapts to meet changing market conditions.
Renault is Europe’s third largest car manufacturer, while FCA is Europe’s fourth biggest. Combined, the new entity would leapfrog PSA and nestle in behind the Volkswagen Group in the rankings.
So, where would the combined FCA and Renault Group most benefit?
We are seeking the opinion of readers of the Daily News Brief. Will FCA benefit from sharing Renault platforms or could it reap rewards from the French firm’s mobility services? Will Renault benefit from FCA’s better global market penetration or could the two companies work together on connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) research?
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