Survey: Which country is best for autonomous vehicle testing?
23 November 2018

23 November 2018
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One of the UK’s autonomous vehicle projects recently announced it had received a large investment to aid the country’s path to the introduction of driverless cars by 2021.
There has also been a raft of other investment announcements or pushes for investment from countries across Europe with their own autonomous vehicle programs, as carmakers and technology companies work to bring the systems to public roads.
Autovista Group is, therefore, asking readers which country they feel is the one that companies should invest in to see a quicker acceleration of autonomous vehicles. Is the UK, with its universities and testing facilities the country that will develop the technology quicker, or will Germany, with its close ties to vehicle manufacturers that will ultimately implement the technology a better solution? Can France step up with its complex and intricate public road structure, or is Italy an option with its varied landscapes?
Vote in our latest poll and leave your thoughts, and we will publish the results next week.