Survey: Which decade produced the best cars?
26 April 2019

26 April 2019
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Today’s cars are becoming more complex, and the future looks to add to this. New electronic safety systems have undoubtedly made vehicles safer but the result is they are more complex to understand for some, with differing levels of jargon and more buttons and systems to understand.
Additionally, more systems added to vehicles means more opportunities for things to go wrong. When they do, the need for complicated vehicle diagnostics alongside any repairs can push servicing prices up.
With autonomous driving and connectivity coming in the future, a car is essentially becoming a computer on wheels. Today’s vehicles are a far cry from those of earlier years, where a simple carburettor mixed air and fuel, electronics were optional extras, and any work could be done in an open engine bay without crash structures and various injection components taking up space
Autovista Group wants to know what decade readers of the Daily News Brief think was the best for producing cars. Were 70s vehicles more aesthetically pleasing, or did the 80s introduce the hot hatch and performance models which were more exciting? Did the 90s have a greater range, or did the refinement of vehicle electronics in the 2000s produce the best vehicles?
Additionally, we would love to know your thoughts on what your favourite car was and why. Please use the comments section to share your input.