Survey: Which European country will be a leader in EVs in 10 years?
29 June 2018

29 June 2018
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Italy has suggested it wants to lead Europe in electric vehicle (EV) sales by 2025. However, the country will have to heavily incentivise the market in order to achieve a goal of a million sales by this time.
In the first three months of the year, Germany saw the strongest increase in AFV registrations, up 73.4%. This means the country overtook Norway to record the highest registrations of electrically charged vehicles.
Norway has been a market leader in EVs and Plug-in Hybrids (PHEVs) for some time, managing sales with incentives to cover the higher costs of the technology. The country has been looking to introduce new taxes and remove some of these incentives. However such plans have been dropped following a drop in EV sales.
With France and the UK looking to ban petrol and diesel-only vehicles by 2040, both countries will also start to push their EV strategies in coming years, to ensure drivers are prepared and to reduce the number of traditional-engine vehicles on the road by this time.
Therefore, with many countries in Europe announcing new plans or pushing the sale of EVs, Autovista Group wants the opinion of readers as to which will lead the way in sales by 2028. Will Germany maintain momentum or will Norway still rule? Or could Italy pull off its aspirations?