Survey: Which new technology will benefit drivers the most?

19 October 2018

19 October 2018

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Earlier this month, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) held an event asking technology companies to pitch their ideas and come on board with the automotive industry to help develop the ′Mobility of the Future’.

While the development of autonomous cars and electric vehicles is a hot topic, there are a number of other technologies that could be implemented in the near future. Some of these were mentioned in the SMMT conference, while others have been discussed over the last few years.

With this in mind, Autovista Group wants to know which technology out of the list provided will benefit drivers the most. Will voice integration through, the likes of Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri, be worthwhile, or will cloud-based vehicle monitoring allow manufacturers to diagnose vehicle faults and security-related incidents and deal with them remotely?

Could vehicle payment integration mean drivers simply leave a petrol or charging station as their car pays for them? Is self-parking technology more beneficial or would facial recognition result in fewer car thefts?