
Semiconductor shortage disturbs manufacturing
Brexit survey: Lack of preparedness as no-deal likelihood grows
Germany increases financial support for its automotive industry
VW and Greece to create model island for climate-neutral mobility
£735 million Brexit-preparation bill for UK automotive industry
€2 billion aid package for German automotive industry
SMMT warns no-deal would undermine green recovery
Automotive industry worries as Brexit no-deal seems likely
Stalling sales and Brexit woes
Infected: COVID-19 in the German LCV market
Japanese carmakers look for UK government compensation on no-deal Brexit
European Commission launches raw materials alliance
Japanese and Turkish car parts may not count as ‘local’ in Brexit blow
European automotive market facing slow u-shaped recovery from COVID-19
Automotive associations warn of €110 billion no-deal Brexit loss
Autovista Group Insights: Brexit uncertainty and the automotive industry
New EU regulation on vehicle type approval and checks comes into effect
Poland’s state aid to LG Chem under investigation
Autovista Group survey explores industry thoughts in a post-lockdown market
French coronavirus recovery incentive scheme replaced after cap reached