Call for stricter CO2 emission proposals as EU looks to post-2020 regulations
Thousands of UK drivers flouting law by having diesel particulate filters removed
Diesel could decline to just 30% market share by 2030 in Europe
London introduces extra charge on vehicles not meeting Euro 4 standards entering the city
Paris and the Netherlands plan to go emissions-free by 2030
EU proposal calls for carbon credits instead of EV quotas
Porsche seeks €200m damages from Audi as Diesel Summit work group calls for diesel hardware fixes
Appeal over Stuttgart diesel ban will see delay in implementation
Germany sees EV growth following scrappage schemes, as UK hopes for market boost
France to lower CO2 tax threshold in effort to promote less polluting vehicle sales
Petrol overtakes diesel as dominant force in Europe for first time since 2009
VW profits from scrappage scheme as manufacturer talks of electric future
Death of diesel and SUV uptake could see large CO2 penalties for manufacturers
Protestors attempt to force back ship carrying VW diesel vehicles to UK
Diesel vehicles emit more CO2 than petrol over their entire lifecycle
French Government to introduce incentives for new low emission vehicles
ACEA reveals proposed CO2 reduction target for manufacturers to meet by 2030
PSA denies any wrongdoing as report suggests it fitted emission cheat software to vehicles
Petrol just as clean as diesel since 2008 as Merkel tells industry to sort out its problems
Diesel will not die out, believes man whose equipment caught out VW