Germany to double clean air fund as tests highlight real world emission discrepancy
WLTP comes into force for new vehicle models in Europe
Asian carmakers bring scrappage schemes to the UK
New technologies could save petrol and diesel power
The UK’s Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) has announced details of its £23 million Hydrogen Transport Programme
Ford offers both diesel and petrol scrappage scheme in the UK
Renewable energy boost allows for reduction in EV pollution
German investigations expand to Ford over diesel emissions
Opel, Fiat and Nissan become the latest brands to introduce trade-in bonuses in Germany
Lexus announces German diesel trade-in bonus, VW set to extend its scheme to UK
BMW older diesel replacement-incentive scheme extended to UK
More manufacturers offer diesel rebate in Germany yet EVs not included
Mazda introduces new petrol technology as Toyota aims to double hybrid models
VW confirms an incentive of up to €10,000 for EU-6 diesels when scrapping an older diesel car
Continental believes carmakers will end development of combustion engines in six years
German carmakers offer trade-in rebates for diesels that cannot receive software updates
German Diesel summit: 5 million vehicles will receive software updates
Switzerland’s Greens call for a ban on new diesel and petrol vehicles from 2025
London introduces scrappage scheme for diesel taxis as order book opens for electric model
Germany wrestles with diesel and electric vehicle incentives