Diesel deal could see off bans and boost sales in Germany
Emissions to actually go up 50% with China’s transition to electric cars
All London buses to be Euro 6 compliant in three years, with emissions cut up to 95%
Merkel backs down on diesel stance and blasts emissions cheats
Audi and BMW to retrofit Euro 5 diesels as Munich ban remains a possibility
New German emissions testing institution to boost consumer confidence
Drivers put off by emissions and penalties as countries clamp down on diesel
Fears of UK economy slowdown as car loan sustainability weakens
VW to buy back vehicles in Dieselgate saga as it decides against appeal in Germany
Insight: The demonisation of diesel continues
VW offers extended warranty yet still denies wrongdoing in EU over Dieselgate
Dutch group brings VW lawsuit as Porsche is investigated in diesel saga
Bosch under further scrutiny for role in Dieselgate saga
Dieselgate rumbles on as VW fails to adjust vehicle emissions
Tax systems must be amended as EU prepares for WLTP
Ricardo vehicle test facilities first in UK to achieve certification for WLTP standard
Insight: Forecourt resurgence for petrol cars in the UK
Germany’s VDA warns Europe to lose competitiveness as Trump abandons climate pact
Audi in trouble with German Government as emissions recalls issued
Insight: Strong trends towards petrol over diesel developing for used car RVs in Germany