EVs make great strides across European markets in 2020
Dealer sales restricted in half of Europe’s car market
COVID-19 and other market factors breed caution for 2021
Automotive relief at Brexit deal
Semiconductor shortage disturbs manufacturing
Brexit survey: Lack of preparedness as no-deal likelihood grows
Germany increases financial support for its automotive industry
VW and Greece to create model island for climate-neutral mobility
£735 million Brexit-preparation bill for UK automotive industry
€2 billion aid package for German automotive industry
SMMT warns no-deal would undermine green recovery
Automotive industry worries as Brexit no-deal seems likely
Stalling sales and Brexit woes
Infected: COVID-19 in the German LCV market
Japanese carmakers look for UK government compensation on no-deal Brexit
European Commission launches raw materials alliance
Japanese and Turkish car parts may not count as ‘local’ in Brexit blow
European automotive market facing slow u-shaped recovery from COVID-19
Automotive associations warn of €110 billion no-deal Brexit loss
Autovista Group Insights: Brexit uncertainty and the automotive industry