Autonomous Vehicles

Volvo invests in autonomous sensors as it sets ambitious sales targets
Results: Many risks to manufacturers in the next ten years
Survey Results: Driver anxiety and infrastructure are the biggest barriers to mainstream autonomous market
Britain hopes autonomous development will flourish post-Brexit
New campus for autonomous technologies opened by BMW
Uber committed to autonomous vehicle development states CEO
Ford plans autonomous car-share scheme for launch in 2021
Toyota and Volkswagen join forces on autonomous trucks
Drivers do not back fully autonomous vehicle technology
Manufacturers announce autonomous plans following Uber incident
London ill-prepared for driverless cars states new report
Robo-taxi investments signal future of mobility plans for manufacturers
GM could return to Europe as a ridesharing entity with autonomous vehicles
UK Government set to approve fully driverless trials on public roads
Toyota taking a cautious safety-based approach to autonomous driving
Waymo to instil consumer confidence in autonomous driving as Delphi expands through acquisition
ACEA members agree six principles of cyber security to secure the automotive future
Volkswagen planning to build autonomous cars and electric trucks as part of future plans
PSA forges partnership to develop Level 4 autonomous technology
Apple’s autonomous programme reportedly ‘where Google was three years ago’